[韓国情報]アメリカYahoo掲示板でも『I'm Zapanese』nika?



JAPAN#1, and America the Worst!!!

by:stargazer_cooler (20/M/the earth) 08/04/05 06:52 am

Msg: 1833 of 2445


I am from Japan. I am a great japanese.

I think Americans are fat. They need diet. They need to burn their fat and give it to hungry Koreans and Africans.

America is the worst enemy of Great Japan.

Iraq is our best friend.

I am a son of Japanese President.

American need World history education because they are so igonorant, poor (except for Hollywood celebrities), and pathetic.

Japan is the best, and America can't compete with Japan because they are fattest in the world.

Japan Banjai! Banjai!! Banjai!!



Re: JAPAN#1, and America the Worst!!!.

by:what_we_dream (14/F/kr) 08/04/05 06:54 am

Msg: 1837 of 2445

Hey, I think U are Korean, not a Japanese.

If U are Japanese, beat it.

Korean hate Japs


Re: JAPAN#1, and America the Worst!!!.

by:what_we_dream (14/F/kr) 08/04/05 06:55 am

Msg: 1839 of 2445

And Japan don't have president. They have damn minister and damn king.

Posted as a reply to:Msg 1833 by stargazer_cooler


∩#`Д´>'')「Japan Banjai! Banjai!! Banjai!!」

( ´∀` )「アメリカ人にもザパニースってばれているよw。まあ,このアメリカ人と思われる人物*1も日本に対して良いイメージはないようですね。」


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