
(1)[韓国]韓国に住んでいる外国人が韓国の黒人差別に驚いています。 (ENJOY Korea)

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韓国における黒人への差別意識(Ruminations in Korea,原文は英語)

Californian Sojourn's siteに リンクされていたこの新聞記事をみて、私は下のイラストに釘付けとなりました。:

Yeah, so the white people have big noses, but at least they look civilized. White people also have opinions about the impeachment. Black people are uncivilized, loin cloth-wearing ignorant spear-chuckers without a single coherent thought in their afro-ed head.

 Why on earth was the picture drawn that way? I don't have a clue. The only answer I can come up with is that particular blend of ignorance and racism that is everywhere in Korean society. Completely uncalled for, this kind of crap is everywhere in Korean society.

 Old School expats may remember the "Black Joe" candy bar that had a blackface character on the package. African dolls with leopard skin togas, giant afros, spears and bones through their noses.

 More recently we have singing sensation, The Bubble Sisters, whose make up was completely inexcusable and whose rationale and explanation for it is quite shocking.

From a recent Mingi's Jibber Jabber post

However, today, I heard some shit on YTN sports news that made my miniscule eyes grow into sizes I never knew were possible. A YTN anchor was providing a summary of world sports, mostly focusing on soccer. In one of the summarized games, a Brazilian player playing on a South Korean professional team happened to jump over an attempted tackle in the penalty box, afforded to maintain possession, and ended up scoring an acrobatic goal. To this, the YTN anchor said, "the Brazilian player exhibited typical athletic tendencies of a black man by showing his unmatched flexibility and strength."

Why? Who knows. Koreans' irrational prejudice against blacks is nothing new. In 1991, rapper Ice Cube wrote a song about Korean racism against blacks. The song was inspired by an incident where a Korean store owner shot and killed a black teenage girl that she suspected of shoplifting. Click here for the rather graphic rap lyrics.

No comment is really needed about this. It is not cool. Knock it off!