
(2)[韓国] 街路樹を切って作った彫刻…「異常行政」に呆れる(中央日報)



( ´∀`)「禿げ山政策?」

(4)[ネタ] 日本人に聞きます.(韓国人も見たければ見てください) (ENJOY Korea)

個人的にはアジアの自尊心 大東亜帝国思い出すようにする絵と思う.

( ´∀`)「田代神はネタなのに....」

(4)[韓国]【日本人限定】 分かりやすい説明について(ENJOY Korea)

( ´∀`)「周知のためのパンフレットだそうです。カタカナにハングルのルビ。保存推奨」

(5)[ネタ] 韓国人は、読めない。(ENJOY Korea)

( ´∀`)「シンプルだけど奥深いw」

(6)[ネタ] 慰安婦の証言で類推することができる(ENJOY Korea)


【クリスマスのには日本病もお休みで , 朝から夜ヌッゴまで仕事をするようにした】

日本ではクリスマスが 祝日ではなかったの. それでは慰安婦お婆さんの証言が違った?


クリスマスは 12月 25日 日本に祝日ではなかった.

しかし日本に 祝日だった天皇の誕生日は 12月 23日.


お婆さんの証言がむしろ正確だという のが分かる.

分かりますか? 粗暴な日本人たち?wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

( ´∀`)「自爆典型的馬鹿韓国人wwww」

(7)[韓国] 【サッカー】アメリカ人記者と韓国人記者がジーコ監督に質問しました[2/11](東亞+)

アメリカ戦後 ジーコ監督記者会見(sports navi)

  • 最近のアメリカ代表の試合は見ているか。それからアメリカも欧州でプレーしている選手は何人もいるが(アメリカ人記者)


  • 先日、韓国とアメリカが非公開で試合をして、韓国が2−1で勝ったのを知っているか?それから、日本のワールドカップへのビジョンはどのようなものか。また、韓国のワールドカップでの戦いをどう予想するか(韓国人記者)


( ´∀`)「日米戦なのに韓国のことをきく韓国人記者。ストーカー?」

  • ENJOY Koreaへ投下

(8)[朝日] 朝日新聞 『麻生糾弾宣言』(やじざむらい的日々雑感)

( ´∀`)「NYT の次は,NYTの子会社ボストン・グローブですか。その英語の社説おいときますね」

Japan's history lesson(Boston globe)February 8, 2006

 JAPAN'S RIGHT-WING politicians are making a dangerous habit of offending Asian neighbors, who suffered grievously under Japanese imperialism and become understandably angry when they hear Japan's leaders extol the benefits imperial Japan bestowed upon the conquered peoples.

 The new Japanese nationalists peddle myths about the benevolence of Japan's imperial past with the intent of reviving a spirit of militarism. They defend Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's repeated visits to the Yasukuni Shrine where class-A war criminals are buried. They revise school textbooks to whitewash the atrocities perpetrated in occupied China and Korea by imperial Japan's forces. And they stoke conflicts with China and Korea over rights to undersea energy deposits.

 Japan's hawkish foreign minister, Taro Aso, exemplified this penchant for provocation when he foolishly declared over the weekend that Taiwan owes its advanced educational level to compulsory education policies imposed on the island during the 1895-1945 period of Japanese colonization.

Rightists like Aso indulge in this kind of undiplomatic behavior to advance their own political ambitions. Just as Koizumi pretends foreigners have no cause to be upset at his visits to the Yasukuni Shrine, Aso appears to assume that Japan's neighbors will not care if he insinuates that the people on Taiwan were lucky to have been ruled for a half century by a more advanced race of Japanese. But the neighbors do care.

Indeed, Aso's insensitive boast accomplished a rare feat -- uniting Taiwan and mainland China in parallel expressions of indignation. A foreign ministry spokesman in Beijing excoriated Aso for ''overtly glorifying invasion history" and for distorting a period of Japanese domination that ''made Taiwan people suffer enslavement and brought grave disaster to the Chinese nation." A vice education minister on Taiwan contended that the islanders' advanced level of education should be attributed to generous government spending on schools and the value Chinese culture places on education. Parents on Taiwan ''would sell their land so their children could go to school," the vice minister said, and so Taiwan's educational success has ''nothing to do with Japan's colonization."

There is no inevitability to revived hostility between Japan and China. But to avoid a development that could put stability at risk across Asia, Japan's right-wingers will have to change their bellicose ways and China's communist leaders will have to refrain from seizing on Japanese provocations to stir up their own people's nationalistic passions.

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